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Silk Scarves

EnjoyIstanbul is proud to feature 100% hand-woven, natural-fiber silk scarves from a project started by Cocoon House.

EnjoyIstanbul is proud to feature 100% hand-woven, natural-fiber silk scarves from a project started by Cocoon House.

Cocoon House is a government-funded program that teaches unemployed women about job opportunities in local crafts. They train ordinary housewives not only how to weave by traditional methods, but also about marketing, entrepreneurship, communication, and personal development. In this way, the women are empowered to start their own businesses. When you purchase a silk scarf that originated from a Cocoon House graduate, you support her business and better the life of a budding entrepreneur.

The scarves on offer here are made entirely of silk obtained from mulberry-leaf-fed silkworms raised and nurtured by a women’s collective. That collective then harvested the worms’ cocoons, spun their silk into thread, strung the threads on a traditional wooden shuttle-loom operated by hands and feet, and then wove your scarf. We’re delighted to be participants in such a wholistic, landmark program. 


Percentage of each purchase that will go directly to a talented weaver (optional):
  • silk scarves
  • silk scarves
  • silk scarves
  • silk scarves
29 Ağu 2020 09:38
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